Life hack #4: Throwaway accounts & your NEW online support system

Life hack #4: Throwaway accounts and your NEW online support system

[00:00:00] You also are going to need to have some throwaway accounts on social media because once you start feeding algorithms information like, uh oh, I got my heart broken, good luck ever escaping the avalanche of memes and posts and suggestions that will be in that theme. And the reason that that's a bad thing is that there's a point when you're going through a break up where you actually need to not focus on the break up.

You need to not be reminded of the break up in order to move on. And so you don't want to be drowning in an algorithm that has learned who you are temporarily, and then you have a hard time turning that off. My best advice, create a whole new email. Even if it's called like whatever, uh, you know, and then you use it to create a Facebook, create a Reddit, create an Instagram.

Now I'm not suggesting you use this to go and stalk your exes. Um, although clearly that is a back alley way of doing that. But what I would suggest is, for example, I have a Reddit account that is not my normal account and [00:01:00] when I have to go and like look over all of the other break up threads or like, no contact with your ex threads, or infidelity threads or, you know, dealing with toxic relationships, I can go and I can read and respond to those with like supportive comments or whatever and then I can basically switch out of that profile when I want to go back to like my normal browsing and then I'm back to things like, you know, what are in my normal feed. So, Seinfeldisms, or interesting as fuck, you know, these are great Reddit threads that I follow.

So my biggest recommendation here is to get these throwaway counts, but use them and use them well, because if you go to Reddit, if you go to Facebook, there are places, there are groups that are called like break up support group and if you can go and join and be part of an online community, even if this does not normally sound appealing to you at all.

Sometimes there's a need for connection for someone to hear your pain. And if you don't have a big support system, this could be a huge life hack to being able to, to get that [00:02:00] need met. So use your new Facebook or Instagram to follow the accounts that have the sad break up quotes, you know, pour your heart out and get those things in because it is part of your process.

But the reason you need these throwaways is for the same reason that sometimes you're not in the mood to be sad anymore and then you just need to turn it off so if you can log out of your throwaway account, log back in as your other account, it's like a breath of fresh air


Life hack #5: Silence notifications on your phone (it helps keep you calm)


Life hack #3: The No Contact Method (the holy grail of break up survival)