Before and Afterglow
“Before and Afterglow” is a serious of before and after clips of when I have sex. I like to film the before when my makeup is freshly done, hair is straight, with a cute outfit on. The after shots are after I am finished having sex and my makeup is destroyed, hair is tussled, and usually my outfit is off or at least “enjoyed”. I like to capture the energy of both before and after sex.
Story time! Usually R rated
Story time! Hear about my experiences in the sex club culture (in Toronto Ontario Canada) and the swinger lifestyle overall.
Usually explicit and not suitable for younger audiences.
Toronto Unicorn’s Top 10 Most Watched Videos
Watch the 10 highest viewed videos across the entire TorontoUnicorn YouTube channel.
Swinger Tips
Learn all about the swinger lifestyle with REAL advice, insights, and stories.
Advice For Singles Who Want To Go To A Sex Club But Don’t Want To Go Alone
If you want to live the life you want sometimes you have to decide to do something that may be uncomfortable but entirely worth it. Going alone to a sex club can be daunting but it’s also freedom to join a lifestyle on your own terms. Let me help mentally prepare you for your first visit to a sex club or swinger club.
Vlogs (Sex, Dating, Swinging, Sex Clubs, Food, Whatever, etc)
Vlogs (video logs) of time exploring the sex club culture and swinger lifestyle in Toronto Canada
Single Male Interviews About Sex Club Experiences in Toronto Ontario Canada
Hear from single male’s about their experiences going to sex clubs alone. I interview many of them on the street after their first ever visit and they all offer helpful advice to other men.
Pillow Talk with TorontoUnicorn
Lay with me as I share intimate stories and updates about my life as a single woman swinger (unicorn) in the sex club culture in Toronto Canada.
FemDom and Dance/ Lingerie/ Modelling Videos
Fun and sexy (well as much as YouTube would allow) dance videos, FemDom ASMR, lingerie, modelling, etc