Meal Kits are my “adulting” life hack
One of the best and most exciting “adulting” life hacks I discovered is meal kit delivery services.

Effortless Affirmations by Toronto Unicorn
Get lost in my voice while you reprogram your subconscious mind to level up your mental health, self love and ability to stay grounded and calm in the face of life’s challenges and uncertainty.
Written and narrated by Toronto Unicorn

TorontoUnicorn YouTube playlists - by year posted
Watch all your favourite TorontoUnicorn YouTube videos separated into playlists by year published.

New podcast to help you heal a broken heart after a break up
Life hack your break up to reduce the blow to your heart, mind and soul. Each episode is a personally discovered life hack to help process the pain and suffering of grief and heartbreak as efficiently and strategically as possible. Learn from others "ah ha moments", discover the path to healing without looking for it yourself in the (metaphorical) dark. Don't waste your own time sinking in grief for any longer than you have to.

FULL interview with Toronto Unicorn and the Daily Star (UK) about my swinger journey on YouTube and beyond
Hear all about my single woman journey into the sex club and swinger lifestyle and all the experiences, lessons, and surprises along the multi-year journey that I vlogged on YouTube and podcast.

R, Amelia, L, Jyla_Valentine and Nudelyweds each have their own playlist!
Shortcuts to binge watch your favourite guest starts on my YouTube channel via their very own playlist.

Now offering 1:1 Zoom Coaching with Toronto Unicorn (Swinger Lifestyle Educator)
You can now book time to get my advice 1:1 via Zoom!

Men can be oppressed too, I wrote about that in University
I studied Psychology and Gender Studies in University and I often chose topics specific to men and men’s overlooked oppression. I have always had a love and respect for men and I am empathetic to their unique challenges and oppression they experience under patriarchy and societal cultural conditioning. Below are two such papers.

NEW Swinger and Sex Positive Lifestyle PODCAST!
I am BEYOND excited to officially launch my new LONG FORMAT podcast called Sex and Swinging with TorontoUnicorn (SASWTU for short).
In each sequential episode I walk you (the listener) through the swinger lifestyle in terms of understanding the culture, how to handle jealousy, full length captivating interviews with real swingers (including BRAND NEW swingers) who share their stories, and more!

New YouTube playlist for Amelia
Catch Amelia’s whole swinger journey on camera in the order they occurred on my new YouTube playlist Staring: Amelia

Watch my journey on YouTube from the beginning! *new playlist*
New playlist of ALL my content sorted oldest to newest. Binge from start to finish!

ALL my videos, across both my YouTube channels, are assigned into at least one playlist.

Come meet TorontoUnicorn at Oasis! June 8, 2022
Still haven’t gone to Oasis Aqualounge sex club because you don’t want to go alone? Well nows your chance. On June 8, 2022 I am the guest speaker for their speed dating event. Come and introduce yourself to me and some other familiar (normally blurred) faces in the pool.

Sex themed gift ideas (Amazon.com storefront for TorontoUnicorn)
I’m a BIG fan of unique decor and especially sexual themed gifts. Not the generic sort of gifts but the ones that make people laugh and remember you forever lol.
I scour the internet for these finds so you don’t have to :)

New “DTF” playlist on YouTube!
DTF stands for Down To Fuck
At a sex club it is a theme night for women who enjoy multiple men (gang bang, MFM threesome, etc)
I vlog and do storytime DTF videos all in one place now!