When they learn they are with a lion, not a sheep (being underestimated)

I know the moment… I see the realization in their eyes and their entire being.

At a poker table it was more obvious… when I outplayed them and they learned I knew what I was doing.

At nightclubs it was part entertainment for me to recognize a slimy manipulative attempt to get me into bed (a guy bought me two doubles at last call) and I’d enjoy the free drinks and then slip out the back.

Or when a racist on a bus intimated someone in front of me… and they learned quickly they were the unwelcome ones as I insisted, effectively, they get off the fucking bus.

Or like today… when a pushy man who doesn’t respect boundaries snapped at me after I insisted he be respectful. He displayed his true colours of course… degrading, insulting, disrespectful. The moment for me occurred when I posted his comments and tagged him on FetLife so others can see how he speaks to women when he thinks no one can see him.

In each and every one of these moments, and countless others, I remember distinct moments when a man learns he underestimated me.

I don’t enjoy conflict… I enjoy peace. I also command respect.

I am going to move forward in a positive and constructive mindset (it’s the only way to live 💯). But I’m also not going to back down from a bully.



My cock-cleanse reflection: I was sick of men losing interest in me when we fucked too early


I’m going on an emotional diet… from men who are luke warm about fucking me