Meal Kits are my “adulting” life hack

I use Hello Fresh which is available in Canada (click HERE* for a free box up to $128 for new customers)

*affiliate link earns commission

I am not a naturally good or patient cook. The idea of finding a recipe, sourcing the ingredients, and chaotically slaving over a hot stove is not my idea of fun. I used to order food in all the time but that adds up cost wise very fast and frankly the food wasn’t that healthy.

One of the best and most exciting “adulting” life hacks I discovered is meal kit delivery services. You pick out your ideal recipes online from a good list of options (some companies have better/more recipes than others), pick a delivery day and window and go about your life. The box is delivered (usually with tracking links nowadays) and it is packed with more than enough frozen ice bags to keep everything fresh for hours in case you aren’t home to receive it.

I pick a menu card and grab the corresponding bag out of the fridge. I’m always so happy when I see the portion size of exactly what I need in little bags. Instead of getting a whole bunch of green onions, I only get the two strands of green onions that the recipe calls for. I love how there isn’t a lot of waste, perhaps just extra packaging that at least can be recycled.

The recipe card is pretty straight forward and easy to follow. I follow each step and then produce a healthy, well balanced and delicious meal. I order meal kits for two servings but you can easily upgrade to 4, 6 or more servings of the same recipe.

Overall meal kits have been a game changer for my life. I no longer have to struggle in the kitchen in order to eat delicious and healthy meals. Easily one of the best “adulting” life hacks i’ve discovered.


I use Hello Fresh which is available in Canada (click HERE* for a free box up to $128 for new customers)

*affiliate link above earns commission if you sign up using my link

REAL pictures of the meals I got from Hello Fresh below

I’m also trying out Cook It (Ontario and Quebec) - stay tuned for my review

Click HERE for $45 off your first box (new customers only) for Cook It

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