A fork in the emotional road… and the strength it requires to stay positive

I’ve gotten some very lovely and touching messages recently saying specially they like my perspective, kindness, and approach on topics.

The truth is I had to work hard to get to this mental state. I spent many years being mostly irritable, selfish, self-centred, impatient (wait… still am), negative, and even angry. I worked hard on myself for 10 years until I found my “door” out of a life surrounded by “negative” and “heavy” energy.

I started slowly choosing kindness over anger, almost like a little social experiment. After only a couple of days I noticed that I, myself, was happier. I, myself, was lighter. I, myself, was receiving more kindness as well. It was then when I realized the power of energy and that what we put out comes back at us.

Well today has been a hard day. I got a very upsetting and unsolicited mean-spirited message from someone on a site that I was enjoying. It bothered me even though I wish it didn’t. It was someone being mean to me behind a screen… and enjoying it. It’s sad… it’s someone who throws a bunch of emotional bombs at you and then ducked (blocked).

I noticed that I had some instant reaction ideas that included posting the email on a public site and link to it on my profile so others can see his disrespectful and mean behaviour when he thinks no one else is looking. I’m a balsy bitch like that.

The alpha in me wants to fight back and win. The computer hacker in me wants to really win. But… as I stood at the fork in the emotional road… and I saw that if I retaliated I would be INVESTING my OWN energy responding. I would be expelling anger and combative energy from MY being… even if it was justified it it is still at MY cost.

Then I see the other option, the kindness and positive option that allows me to let it go, don’t let it hold any “emotional space”, and don’t let it ruin my experiences on the website. I can accept that some people are mean, be glad they are blocked, and move on. I can instead… write a journal post about choosing kindness and positive energy, even when anger and retaliation feel like they are calling you… (like now).

It’s a choice. It really is. Kindness is a life choice. Positivity is a life choice. And I promise you won’t regret it.



I sit here, a 37 year old single women, knowing the best years are still ahead of me. Thanks to the sexually open lifestyle.


Can a demisexual life hack being a slut by viewing sex as a sport instead of an emotional exchange?