I’m going on an emotional diet… from men who are luke warm about fucking me
My issue isn’t with casual sex… it’s that I was upfront about what I wanted out of it… Ongoing casual sex. Not a fuck and chuck. Not a one-hit wonder. Yet that seems to be what I am getting in return. Either the men I engage with are being dishonest with their intentions, or it’s hopeless to find a casual FWB to fuck me more than 3 times.

Enforcing boundaries… hard but necessary
Sometimes you just have to draw the line about whether you will accept to “feel” this way any longer by someone… instead of trying to get them to not make you feel that way anymore.

Entice a man, don’t pressure a man, to want to see you
I think I finally understand how to stop losing guys the same way.
Pressure to see me.
Not a good feeling for them.
Enticement works much better anyways.

The red line (with women)... when we’re done, we’re done
It’s true what they say about us normally forgiving women…. when that red line is crossed it really is over. There is emotional certainty in it for us. There is no more emotional conflict. There is nothing to miss… the guy we missed doesn’t exist anymore.

When feelings change…
There is a silence where there used to be buzzing
There is a loneliness where there used to be fullness
There is confusion where there used to be smiles
There is a sobering up of the heart

No more B****m (ex/friend)
As much as I am salty and truly disappointed at the loss of a friendship it is no longer okay to “carry him” with me energetically. Time to release him and make space for someone new.